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Marketing Hutzpah!

The Bold Strategy That Wins in Today’s Market In the fast-paced world of modern business, traditional marketing strategies often fall short of making an impact. Enter the concept of “Marketing Hutzpah” – a bold, unapologetic approach that is...

Embracing Thankfulness… and How to Cultivate it

Thankfulness, or the act of expressing gratitude, is more than a polite gesture—it’s a powerful component of a healthy, fulfilling life. Engaging in thankfulness regularly can have profound effects on an individual’s emotional, physical, and social...

Google’s Unfair Advantage on the Internet: A Deep Dive

Google, one of the largest and most influential tech companies globally, is often at the center of discussions regarding market dominance and competitive fairness. The company’s stronghold over internet search and various digital markets presents a complex web...

Creating “irresistible” Marketing Offers

Irresistible Offers in Marketing: Strategies for Success In the competitive world of marketing, one of the most effective ways to attract customers and boost sales is by creating irresistible offers. These are promotions or deals that stand out from the crowd,...

Why is Internet Marketing so Difficult?

Internet marketing, while offering vast opportunities, also presents a variety of challenges that can be difficult to overcome. Here are some of the hardest things to accomplish in Internet marketing: Building and Maintaining Consumer Trust: In an online world full of...

The Limitations of Keyword Selection Tools

Keyword selection tools might seem inadequate for several reasons, depending on your expectations and how these tools are used. Here are a few common issues that might contribute to this issue: Generic Recommendations: Some keyword tools offer very broad or highly...

Leveraging Google My Business for Enhanced Local Engagement

Leveraging Google My Business for Enhanced Local Engagement Google My Business (GMB), now called Google Business Profile, is an essential tool for local businesses aiming to enhance their online presence and attract more customers. This comprehensive guide explores...

Joining AMA: What are the benefits for a Florida business?

Why join AMA? Joining the American Marketing Association (AMA) can offer substantial benefits for a Florida business, irrespective of its size or the industry it operates in. Here’s how membership can serve a Florida-based business: Networking Opportunities: AMA...