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Internet Marketing and SEO Audit

For over 15 years, Florida Website Marketing has been a leader in digital marketing across Florida. Our expert team specializes in SEO, Social Media, Google My Business Listings, Google AdWords, and Facebook Marketing, focusing on maximizing your sales and engagement.

We offer a unique approach by understanding your business deeply and crafting personalized strategies. We provide a COMPREHENSIVE INTERNET MARKETING AND SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION AUDIT that compares your marketing efficacy against competitors, focusing on real, measurable results.

Contact us at (813) 409-4683 for a quick, insightful discussion on how we can start enhancing your business today. Discover our cost-effective bundled service plans designed for sustained growth. Our long-term subscription model reflects our commitment to your ongoing success, proven by our decade-long client relationships.

Florida Website Marketing

Florida Website Marketing: Search Engine Optimization Audit

Our Website Search Engine Optimization Audit and Internet Marketing Audit involves a comprehensive review of your online marketing strategies and search engine optimization (SEO) practices to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement. This process is critical for enhancing the visibility and effectiveness of your website. Here are the key elements that are included in our audit:

Technical SEO Audit:

  • Website Structure: Analyze the website’s architecture to ensure it is logically structured and easy to navigate.
  • URL Structure: Ensure URLs are clean, logical, and keyword-relevant.
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Check that the website is fully functional and optimized for mobile devices.
  • Page Speed: Identify loading times for pages and recommend optimizations to improve speed.
  • Crawlability and Indexing: Ensure search engines can crawl and index the site effectively; check the robots.txt file and
  • XML sitemap.

On-Page SEO Audit:

  • Content Quality and Relevance: Review the quality, relevance, and uniqueness of the content. Assess keyword optimization and placement.
  • Meta Tags: Check title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags for proper SEO practices.
  • Internal Linking: Review the internal linking structure to ensure it enhances site navigation and spreads page authority throughout the site.
  • Images and Alt Text: Verify that images are optimized for speed and SEO, including relevant alt text.

Off-Page SEO Audit:

  • Backlinks: Analyze the quantity and quality of external backlinks. Identify potentially harmful links.
  • Social Media Presence: Evaluate the brand’s presence on social media and its influence on SEO.
  • Local SEO: For businesses with a local presence, review local listings, Google My Business profile, and local citations.

Content Audit:

  • Content Strategy: Assess the current content strategy and its alignment with SEO goals and audience needs.
  • Content Gaps and Opportunities: Identify gaps in the content that could be filled to capture additional traffic.
  • Engagement Metrics: Analyze user engagement metrics like bounce rate, average time on page, and conversion rates.

Competitor Analysis:

  • SEO Strategies: Evaluate the SEO practices of key competitors.
  • Content Comparison: Compare the quality and type of content offered by competitors.
  • Rankings: Review keyword rankings and compare them to those of competitors.

Usability and User Experience (UX) Audit:

  • User Navigation: Assess how easily users can navigate and interact with the site.
  • Visual Design: Ensure that the design is attractive and facilitates a good user experience.
  • Conversion Paths: Evaluate how effectively the website guides users towards conversion goals.

Performance and Conversion Audit:

  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Analyze conversion rates and suggest improvements.
  • Analytics and Tracking: Check that all necessary tracking tools are properly installed and configured (e.g., Google Analytics).
  • Goal Tracking: Ensure that conversions and important interactions are being tracked correctly.

Compliance and Security Audit:

  • Privacy Policies: Check compliance with privacy laws and regulations (e.g., GDPR).
  • Security Protocols: Review security measures like SSL certificates and data protection strategies.

Keyword Analysis:

Market and Audience Analysis:

  • Audience Segmentation: Understand the different segments of the website’s audience based on behavior, demographics, and interests.
  • Market Trends: Stay abreast of broader market trends that might impact SEO strategy, including shifts in user search behavior and technological advancements.

Accessibility Audit:

  • Accessibility for Disabled Users: Ensure that the website complies with accessibility standards such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). Check for features like screen reader compatibility, keyboard navigation, and appropriate contrast ratios.

Technical Compliance and Standards:

  • HTML/CSS Validation: Check for errors in code that could affect performance and browser compatibility.
  • Schema Markup: Review and optimize the use of structured data to help search engines understand the content and enhance the display in search results (rich snippets).

SEO Tool and Plugin Assessment:

  • Tool Efficiency: Evaluate the tools and plugins currently used for SEO to determine if they are the best choices or if better alternatives exist.
  • Integration Capabilities: Ensure that SEO tools are properly integrated with other systems such as content management systems (CMS), customer relationship management (CRM) tools, and email marketing platforms.

Reporting and Metrics:

  • KPIs and Metrics: Define and review key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of SEO efforts effectively.
  • Reporting Systems: Check that reports are informative, timely, and actionable. Ensure stakeholders understand these reports and can make data-driven decisions based on them.

Future Planning and Recommendations:

  • Strategic Recommendations: Based on audit findings, provide strategic recommendations for short-term and long-term improvements.
  • Action Plan Development: Develop a detailed action plan to address identified issues, prioritize tasks based on their potential impact, and set realistic timelines for implementation.

Change Monitoring and Updates:

  • Change Management: Monitor the impact of any changes made as a result of the audit. Adjust strategies as necessary based on real-time data and feedback.
  • Regular Updates: Establish a routine for regularly updating SEO practices and strategies to adapt to changes in search algorithms and market conditions.

Keyword Efficiency: Evaluate the effectiveness of the keywords currently being targeted, considering their search volume, competition, and relevance to the content.

Keyword Opportunities: Identify potential keywords that could drive additional targeted traffic but are currently underutilized or not targeted at all.

By thoroughly addressing each of these areas, the Florida Website SEO Audit can provide valuable insights that lead to significant improvements in website performance, user experience, and ultimately, business outcomes. Regular audits ensure that a website remains optimized, competitive, and aligned with business goals amidst the dynamic landscape of digital marketing.

Florida Website Marketing: Internet Marketing Audit

The Florida Website Marketing Internet Marketing Audit examines all aspects of your business’s online marketing strategies and tactics to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Here are the key elements that we cover in our Internet Marketing Audit:

Website Analysis:

  • Usability: Evaluate the website’s ease of use, design, navigation, and overall user experience.
  • Content Quality: Assess the relevance, originality, and engagement of the content.
  • Conversion Optimization: Analyze the effectiveness of site elements in converting visitors into customers.
  • Technical Performance: Check for page loading speed, mobile responsiveness, and other technical factors that affect user experience and search rankings.

SEO Audit:

  • On-Page SEO: Review keyword usage, meta tags, headers, and internal linking strategies.
  • Off-Page SEO: Examine the quality and quantity of backlinks, online reputation, and social media presence.
  • Technical SEO: Ensure that the site is indexed and crawlable, with no broken links or improper redirects.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Campaign Evaluation:

  • Campaign Structure: Analyze the organization and setup of PPC campaigns.
  • Keyword Performance: Assess the effectiveness and cost-efficiency of targeted keywords.
  • Ad Copy and Creatives: Evaluate the relevance, clarity, and engagement of ad copies and visual materials.
  • Landing Pages: Review the alignment of landing pages with corresponding ads for message consistency and conversion optimization.

Social Media Presence:

  • Engagement: Measure the level of interaction with followers through likes, comments, and shares.
  • Reach and Growth: Track follower growth and the reach of social media posts.
  • Content Strategy: Review the variety, quality, and relevance of content posted on social platforms.

Email Marketing Effectiveness:

  • Open and Click-Through Rates: Analyze the performance metrics of email campaigns.
  • List Health: Assess the growth and engagement levels of the subscriber list.
  • Content and Design: Evaluate the effectiveness of email content and design in engaging recipients and driving actions.

Content Marketing Strategy:

  • Content Plan and Calendar: Review the planning, scheduling, and distribution of content.
  • Content Variety and Quality: Assess the diversity, relevance, and quality of content types (blogs, videos, infographics, etc.).
  • Performance: Measure the success of content through analytics such as page views, time on page, and social shares.

Analytics and Data Management:

  • Tracking Systems: Ensure that all online marketing efforts are properly tracked and attributed.
  • Performance Metrics: Review key performance indicators (KPIs) for all marketing channels to determine effectiveness.
  • Data Accuracy: Check for any issues in data collection and analysis that may affect decision-making.

Competitive Analysis:

  • Market Position: Determine the business’s position in the market compared to competitors.
  • Competitor Strategies: Identify what marketing strategies and tactics competitors are using effectively.
  • Opportunity Identification: Find gaps in competitors’ strategies that the business could exploit.

Regulatory Compliance:

  • Privacy Policies: Ensure compliance with data privacy laws like GDPR or CCPA.
  • Advertising Standards: Check adherence to advertising standards and regulations.

Strategic Alignment:

  • Overall Strategy Review: Ensure that the digital marketing efforts align with the broader business goals and objectives.
  • Resource Allocation: Evaluate if the current budget and resource allocation optimize the marketing efforts.


Our Internet Marketing Audit is not just a one-time task but a recurring process that helps keep a business aligned with its marketing objectives and responsive to the ever-changing digital landscape.

We offer a COMPREHENSIVE INTERNET MARKETING AND SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION AUDIT to qualified prospective clients. This audit isn’t just another sales pitch; it’s a deep dive into your current marketing and SEO attributes as compared to your competitors, delivered with unvarnished objectivity.

With a clear vision of your marketing goals and opportunities, we craft tailored strategies designed to not just compete but dominate. At Florida Website Marketing, we believe in action and results over mere talk, with all of our efforts tirelessly executed by our seasoned team right here in Florida.

Interested in igniting your sales growth? Reach out to us today at (813) 409-4683.


User Experience (UX) Evaluation:

  • Navigation and Accessibility: Analyze how easily users can find information and move through the site.
  • User Journeys: Map typical user paths from entry to conversion to identify friction points.
  • A/B Testing Results: Review outcomes from various A/B tests to identify what variations of web elements perform best.

Brand Consistency:

  • Voice and Tone: Ensure that all content reflects the brand’s voice and tone consistently across all channels.
  • Visual Identity: Check that the use of colors, logos, and graphical elements is consistent and aligns with the brand’s guidelines.
  • Brand Messaging: Assess whether the brand message is clear and consistent across all marketing materials and platforms.

Conversion Funnel Analysis:

  • Funnel Stages: Evaluate the effectiveness of each stage of the marketing funnel—from awareness to conversion.
  • Drop-off Points: Identify where potential customers are dropping out of the conversion funnel.
  • Optimization Opportunities: Highlight areas where the conversion process can be streamlined or enhanced.

Influencer and Affiliate Marketing Review:

  • Influencer Partnerships: Evaluate the performance and ROI of collaborations with influencers.
  • Affiliate Performance: Assess the effectiveness of affiliate marketing strategies in driving sales and engagement.
  • Contract Compliance: Ensure that all partnerships comply with legal standards and brand policies.

Legal and Ethical Compliance:

  • Ad Compliance: Check that all advertisements comply with industry-specific regulations and ethical standards.
  • Intellectual Property: Ensure that all marketing materials respect intellectual property rights and avoid plagiarism.
  • Consumer Rights: Verify that marketing practices adhere to consumer protection laws and ethical guidelines.

Technology and Tools Assessment:

  • Marketing Automation Tools: Review the utilization and integration of marketing automation tools to ensure they are leveraged effectively.
  • CRM Integration: Evaluate the integration of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems with marketing efforts.
  • Emerging Technologies: Keep an eye on emerging technologies and platforms that could enhance marketing efforts or offer competitive advantages.

Budget Review and ROI Analysis:

  • Budget Allocation: Analyze how the marketing budget is distributed across various channels and whether this allocation aligns with strategic priorities.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Assess the cost-effectiveness of different marketing tactics and channels.
  • ROI Metrics: Calculate the return on investment for various marketing activities to identify high-performing and underperforming areas.

Future Trends and Innovations:

Trend Analysis: Stay informed about current and emerging trends in digital marketing that could impact strategy.

Innovations Adoption: Assess the readiness and potential benefits of adopting new marketing innovations.

Actionable Recommendations:

  • Strategic Advice: Based on the audit findings, provide actionable recommendations for improvement.
  • Implementation Roadmap: Develop a roadmap for implementing recommendations, complete with timelines and responsible parties.

Services Offered:

Search Engine Optimization
Social Media Marketing
Google My Business Marketing
Google Pay-Per-Click Marketing
Facebook Marketing
SEO Keyword Research
On Page SEO Formatting
SEO Performance Tracking
YouTube Marketing
LinkedIn Marketing
Podcast Marketing
Content Writing Marketing
Website User Analysis Blog
Writing Marketing
Press Release Marketing
Using AI in Marketing
E-Mail Marketing
E-Commerce Marketing
Online Reputation Management
Mobile Phone Marketing
Phone Text Marketing
Brand Marketing
Event Marketing

“To Know and Not to Do… Is Really Not to Know…” Take Action!

Florida Website Marketing has earned a reputation of excellence in internet marketing in Florida for over 15 years. With an expert staff who are specialists in; Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Google (AdWords) Facebook Marketing and maximizing the sales potential of Local Search – Google My Business Listings. Our goal is to deliver results for our clients by making the phone and cash register ring.

Our lengthy experience in working in dozens of marketing strategies has given us unique insights into “best money spent” solutions. Each industry and business is different, we invest time and effort to learn about you. We invest in developing marketing solutions before you spend a penny.


This audit in NOT a sales pitch it’s a detailed objective analysis of your current Marketing and SEO results and prospects vs. two of your competitors.

When we have a complete picture of your marketing goals and opportunities, we can craft a plan for you to compete and win. Like many things in life, growth isn’t about “talk” and “analysis” it’s about effort and grinding out results in the most efficient manner possible. All of our work is done by our dedicated, expert staff members, in Florida.

Call Us or Text Us Today at (813) 409-4683

Let us learn about you and your business. We can start your Internet Marketing and SEO Audit Analysis and start the ball rolling. The first call usually only takes 15 – 20 minutes and we promise it will be painless… and more likely enjoyable.

You can learn about our internet marketing bundled service plans see link below. The benefit of these plans are that they offer multiple marketing solutions and opportunities to grow your business at a fraction of the cost, than if you were to attain these services separately.

PRICING: Internet Marketing Service Plans

We only offer our services on a subscription basis because your marketing opportunities and challenges are never-ending. You would be interested in knowing that we have had many clients for 10 years or more. Not because they are eager to pay our fee but because they are eager for our results!

Our Internet Marketing Audit culminates in a detailed report that not only outlines findings and gaps but also offers practical, actionable strategies for improvement. This ensures that your business not only understands where it stands but also knows how to move forward to enhance its online presence and effectiveness.

Meet Our Team LeadersFlorida Website Marketing Senior Staff

Brian B. French, Co-founder & CEO

Brian has led Florida Website Marketing as CEO for over 15 years, specializing in internet marketing and SEO for one of Florida’s largest PR firms. With a background as an investment analyst managing hundreds of millions of dollars, he has a unique insight into effective business and marketing strategies. His extensive marketing experience spans various industries, including law, insurance, real estate, education, and hospitality, making him a valuable asset in driving client success.

Mark Cameron, Co-founder & Chief Technology Officer

Mark is the technology expert at Florida Website Marketing, with 20 years of experience leading advancements in internet technology. His deep understanding of multi-million dollar e-commerce enterprises and medical product marketing allows him to excel in areas from website coding to AI, ensuring our clients achieve their business goals.